Category Archives: Bathroom design

Top bathroom design tips from the best interior design bloggers


We’re a big fan of bloggers here at Illuminated Mirrors. They provide a constant source of design inspiration with interesting posts, and we often find ourselves amazed by the unique ideas they come up with – ideas that you wouldn’t find elsewhere.

So, this week, we’ve decided to share six fantastic bathroom design tips from our favourite bloggers with you. Make sure to check out each of their blogs once you’ve finished reading!

Choose a paint colour that isn’t a wishy washy pale – Abigail Ahern

Abigail Ahern has been described as ‘the woman rocking the world of interiors’ by the Sunday Times, and thousands of people click onto her blog to pore over said rocking. Abigail specialises in dramatic interiors and provides brilliant advice on a near-constant basis.

One of our favourite pieces of advice from Abigail comes from her post on creating the perfect bathroom. There are 4 steps in total but our favourite is Abigail’s plea for people to stop using pale colours and switch to dark colours instead:

“Everybody has pale bathrooms and they are so boring so consider going dark. Just don’t tell anyone about it before doing it otherwise you will get comments like this ‘isn’t it going to feel a little overwhelming and gloomy.”

Dark bathrooms certainly do offer something different to the norm and make a bold statement indeed. Just don’t expect to ever switch back to creams and beige again:

“…once you convert to the dark side you can never ever return. Promise. Once you start living in this magical world there is no return everything else feels not good enough, bland and boring. Promise, promise promise.”

Some essential bathroom products – Rohini Wahi, The Beat That My Heart Skipped

Rohini Wahi is the brains behind the brilliant ‘The Beat That My Heart Skipped’, a blog covering shopping, books, trends and, of course, interior design

This post on bathroom basics doesn’t offer groundbreaking advice but instead presents 9 bathroom products that we’re pretty convinced we need to buy. Our personal highlight is the beautiful wooden digital scales, but we’re also fond of the stone faceted canister.

Oh, and there’s also something called a Toilet Butler, which isn’t what you think it is!

Invest in details that you love – Apartment Therapy, Sarah Coffey

Apartment Therapy is a giant in the world of interior design blogging; in fact, it probably can’t even be classified as a blog anymore.

Nevertheless, we’d be fools to leave out this post on designing a small bathroom, which provides some superb tips including sacrificing size for luxury and using paint, tiles and textiles to renovate bathrooms in rental properties.

Our favourite tip, however, is one that can be applied to bathrooms of all sizes: invest in details that you love. Think personalised soap dispensers, coloured wicker baskets and illuminated mirrors (not that we’re trying to blow our own trumpet); little details give a bathroom personality and help it stand out from the crowd!

Use…concrete?! – Karine Candice, Bodie and Fou

Karine Candice is the blogger behind Bodie and Fou, described as ‘…a little black book of interiors, with tips on how to recreate effortlessly stylish French chic’ by no less than Vogue.

The post we’ve chosen doesn’t so much draw from French design as it does from industrial design, however, with Karine exploring the use of concrete in the bathroom.

Specifically, Karine focuses on concrete tiling and flooring. It’s not the most obvious of design choices but, judging by the photos included with the blog, it does give an extremely unique look. One for the brave, perhaps.

Wallpapered bathrooms: trend or travesty? – My Friend’s House

My Friend’s House is a blog run by Ros and Jill, two journalists with a wealth of experience writing for publications such as The Guardian, the Independent and ELLE online. Ros even has the distinction of being the editor of Cath Kidston magazine.

This post brings up a love-it-or-hate-it debate regarding wallpapered bathrooms. We’re still not convinced but we like the tip about cleaning wallpaper clean – paint a layer of Decorator’s Varnish over the top for a wipe-clean quality.

So, those are some of our favourite tips from our favourite bloggers. Do you have a favourite blogger, or a tip you want to share? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter!

How to choose a mirror for your bathroom


2013 is nearly over and – once the small matter of Christmas is out of the way – you’re probably looking ahead to 2014. A new year of new beginnings (in theory, at least).

Home renovations are always popular in the new year, with homeowners overhauling the look of their abode in the pursuit of ‘something different’. Bathroom renovations are particularly popular, being one of the easier and quicker (if not necessarily cheaper) home overhauls.

Any renovation is full of important choices to be made, but bathroom renovations require you to make a choice you might not even realise is important until it’s been made – your mirror.
