Category Archives: Fun

Meet makeup artist Neala Olivia


This week we were lucky enough to speak to super-talented makeup artist Neala Olivia. After telling us about her fabulous beauty room, we just had to check out her blog and see how a real makeup artist tackles eyes, lips and cheeks!

For those of us who can barely create a sexy eyeliner flick without it smudging, Neala’s blog comes complete with handy tutorials and a full list of products used to create the look. We were impressed, and while it will probably take a whole lot of practice (and around 3 packs of makeup wipes) before we get anywhere near Neala’s standard, we’re going to have a real good go! More

Is your skin winter ready?


You probably dread saying goodbye to summer as autumn approaches, but once it arrives all will be forgotten as you throw yourself into the joys of the season. The promise of those lovely crisp mornings, the crunchy leaves on the floor and the cosy dark nights curled up on the sofa. You start to look forward to the perks of winter: hot chocolate, warm baths, bonfires and snow days.

For all their high points though, when the autumn and winter months arrive you should make sure that your skin is prepared for the problems that inevitably creep in with the cooler weather- namely dry, cracked skin and chapped lips.

Just as in summer, a little skin TLC goes a long way. If you planned to lie on a beach in the baking sun all day in summer, you wouldn’t dream of leaving your skin unprotected against its rays. Similarly, in the winter, you also shouldn’t leave your skin vulnerable to the effects of the cold.


Perfect your back to school morning routine


It’s the last week of August and that can only mean one thing-it’s nearly time for the kids to go back to school! Households everywhere are divided. The kids sulk as you make them put down what they’re playing with and try on their new uniforms, and parents secretly jump for joy at the prospect of getting some peace and quiet around the house again.

But as the morning of the first day back dawns, tensions can run high; tired children and rushed adults are a recipe for disaster. With stress levels high there’ll probably be tears and tantrums, the kids are more likely to be late for school or forget something, and if your own morning doesn’t go well chances are the rest of your day will be a nightmare too.

Easy DIY bathroom solutions


Have you ever thought that your bathroom could do with a little brightening up? Perhaps it’s all one colour, with little detail to draw the eye?

Well, with these ideas you can revamp your boring bathroom without having to redecorate the whole place or even spend much money.

The suggestions below are ideas for how you can add a little personality to your bathroom using recycled materials that you may already have lying around.


Is your makeup bag due a clear out?


When was the last time you cleaned out your makeup bag? For many of us, the answer to that question is probably a long time ago. Our makeup is the one thing most of us rely on every day, yet it’s also the one thing we seriously neglect. To put it simply (and quite revoltingly too – sorry) you wouldn’t rub dirty hands all over your face, so why do it with makeup products? Experts say you should have a clear out of your makeup at least three times a year, if not more. So, just for you, we’ve compiled this handy guide on the best way to keep your products clean and stop those pesky little germs from making themselves at home in your cosmetics.  More