Category Archives: Fun

5 weird and wonderful bathroom gadgets


As much as we love a nice bathroom, it can get a bit boring, can’t it?

The same neutral tones. The same pristine fixtures. The same tiling.

Sometimes, we just want something different. Something that makes a bathroom stand out, something that makes guests take a step back and think ‘what on EARTH is that?!’

So, for this blog post, we’ve gone out and found 5 of the weirdest bathroom gadgets around. You’re welcome.


8 Songs Guaranteed To Get You Going in the Morning


How can you get up in the morning feeling motivated and ready for the day ahead, rather than grumpy and ready to murder any fellow commuters who dare cross your path?

It’s a question that’s troubled people throughout the ages, but we at Illuminated Mirrors think we’ve found the answer: music. More specifically, music in the bathroom.

Yep, music in the bathroom. You see, the bathroom is where every good day starts; it’s where you put your face on, brush your teeth and generally get pumped up. But when you can only hear rain, cars and the general misery of a weekday morning outside, it can be difficult to pluck up the motivation.
